Yes. Hydrogen will be the future. Yes. Electric will be the future too. Why is hydrogen and electric be thought of as a zero sum game? It isnt. Let me explain.
In reality, Hydrogen and EVs can and will co-exist in the future. Despite the maturity of electric vehicles, hydrogen fuel cell technology, though not yet ready for commercialisation, should not be taken out of the equation altogether.
During our discourse with government agencies, industry stakeholders, and the media, we are often asked the same question; "Will hydrogen pose a threat to you?". My answer to this question is a simple 'no'.
Hydrogen Fuel Cell vehicles are driven by the very same thing as Battery Electric Vehicles - the electric motor. If you buy an electric vehicle now, you will already have 80% of the parts. In fact, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles use batteries too. If hydrogen becomes the more viable option for trucks in the future, you can still use your current vehicles. You can simply replace the battery with a suitable hydrogen fuel cell.
At EcoSwift, we strongly believe in the perfect balance between operational viability and sustainability. As such, we keep our minds open to developing technologies and will consistently evaluate the best options in order to maximise the value you can get from us. Simply put, developing technologies are not seen as a threat to us. Instead, it is another opportunity for us to realise our dreams of a future without diesel.
-Ryan Woon, Director, EcoSwift