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Writer's pictureRyan Woon

Honesty Is NOT Good For Business.

Is honesty really the best policy in business? No. But it is still our policy.

In my family business, we have faced countless exaggerated claims from manufacturers, suppliers and service providers. We will then unknowingly pass these claims on to our customers. At the end of the day, we are the one accountable for these promises. We often disappoint our customers through no fault of our own. As a business owner myself, I know this feeling. I know the pain. I know the frustration.

Doing business with the devil

You have probably come across dishonest and insincere businesses before. But you will find nothing of that sort at EcoSwift.

At EcoSwift, I expect each and everyone of my colleagues to conduct themselves with utmost honesty. Not just to each other, but also to everyone they meet.

There is too much misinformation in this brand new green industry where everyone is only just beginning to find their feet. Some manufacturers over exaggerate their claimed EV range. Some manufacturers overstate their load carrying capacity. Some dealers try to sell you something they themselves are not entirely sure about.

Again, at EcoSwift, you will find nothing of that sort. We believe that business owners should not build their company around their assets. Rather, businesses must build an asset base that can power their company to greater heights. This is the value I want EcoSwift to provide.

If we say that the EV truck's range is 240km, for example, it means that we have tested it. If we say that the EV truck can provide you returns after X years, it means we have ran detailed financial models. Of course, our test bases will not be a 100% accurate reflection of what you will see. But it will be close. These data will better help you decide which products fit your intricate business plans.

At the end of the day, honesty is not the best policy because it will cost us sales. Yes, we will not be able to sell as many trucks as we can or want. But I can sleep better at night knowing our customers are buying our trucks and are actually benefitting from their trust in EcoSwift. I will much rather make a friend than a transaction. What about you?

-Ryan, Director, EcoSwift

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